The program is available to any student in grades 7-12 residing in Franklin, Johnson, Massac, and Williamson Counties. To participate in the Alternative School program, a student must be officially enrolled in his/her Home School District and be referred by the administration of their Home School. Students who will benefit from the educational structure and environment of ECHO may exhibit some but not all of the following characteristics:
- “At-risk” status due to social emotional factors that may affect the student’s ability to attain academic success, such as: frequent mobility, low self-esteem, and various family situations.
- Overage for grade level.
- Students who do not qualify for special educational services but would benefit from an alternative form of educational structure providing an individualized and remedial approach.
- History or current, incompatibility with traditional day school that may be indicated through truancy, minor discipline problems, and academic failure.
Trauma Sensitive School
trained staff with a focus on the whole child
A trauma-informed school promotes a safe and welcoming climate
Creates a structured and predictable learning environment that minimizes unnecessary trauma and loss reminders
Focuses on building positive and attuned relationships between teachers and students, and among school staff
Has anti-bullying and suicide prevention programs
Uses a balanced restorative justice (a.k.a. restorative practices) approach to conflict and conflict mediation with appropriate disciplinary action.
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Referrals to ECHO Alternative School
Home Schools are responsible for recommending students who exhibit characteristics that lead the Home School personnel to believe the student may be successful at E.C.H.O. Factors that should be considered are ability level, student support, parent support, discipline history, and willingness to participate in credit recovery. It is the goal of the E.C.H.O. staff to do what is best for the individual student in cooperation with the student’s Home School. The Principal will work with the Home Schools when a student’s success at E.C.H.O. may be questionable.
SIU School of Medicine
Process for Enrollment
To enroll in ECHO Alternative School a student must first be enrolled in a public school district within Franklin, Johnson, Massac, or Williamson Counties.
The home school will complete a referral form and be in contact with ECHO administration regarding the reason for transfer and goals for the student.