A School-Wide Approach to Building a Caring Community: Bully Prevention, Conflict Management, and Violence Prevention
Date: June 10, 2019 (Half-Day)
Location: Project ECHO, 17428 Route 37, Johnston City, IL 62951
The above fields are used ONLY to verify you attended the training in order to send you CPDU credits. The presenter(s) will NOT receive any of the above fields with any responses below.
Indicate the outcome(s) of this professional development. (Check all that apply)
Identifiy those statements that directly apply to this professional development. (Check all that apply)
Math Data Analysis
Date: November 8, 2018
Trauma Informed Practices
Date: November 6, 2018
Location: Benton High School, Benton, IL
For each statement below, please provide the answer that best describes your experience with the professional development session.