The above fields are used ONLY to verify you attended the training in order to send you CPDU credits. The presenter(s) will NOT receive any of the above fields with any responses below.
Rate your knowledge of this content BEFORE this professional development.
Rate your implementation of this content BEFORE this professional development.
Rate your implementation of this content AFTER this professional development.
The outcomes of this professional development were clearly identified as the knowledge and/or skills that I should gain as a result of my participation.
This professional development will impact my professional growth or student growth in regards to content knowledge or skills, or both.
This professional development will impact my social and emotional growth or student social and emotional growth.
Overall, the presenter appeared to be knowledgeable of the content provided.
The materials and presentation techniques utilized were well-organized and engaging.
The professional development aligned to my district or school improvement plans.
This professional development session increased my knowledge as an educator.
This professional development session increased my ability to reflect, evaluate, and adjust my own teaching.
I am looking forward to future professional development offered through IESE Network.
Indicate the outcome(s) of this professional development. (Check all that apply)
Identifiy those statements that directly apply to this professional development. (Check all that apply)
Please rate the overall effectiveness of the presenter.
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